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Documents required to accept an application for granting a temporary residence for the purpose of doing business

- two current photographs with dimensions of 3 x 3.5 cm

- a valid travel document (according to § 2 paragraph 1 letter n) or § 125 paragraph 3 of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners)

A document not older than 90 days confirming the purpose of stay (Section 32, paragraph 2, letter a) of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners)

- a business plan to implement an innovative project, or a document confirming authorization to do business,

A document confirming the business authorization of a national of a third country, and this means:

- certificate of trade authorization (trade certificate), if applicable

o a national of an OECD member country,

- certificate of trade authorization (trade certificate) together with registration

to the commercial register as a company of a foreign person or an organizational component of a company of a foreign person in the case of a third-country national from a non-OECD country,

- other business authorization according to special regulations (e.g. licences),

- partnership agreement on the establishment of a company signed by all founders, where a national of a third country is listed as an executive, while officially verified signatures of its founders are required,

- partnership agreement on the establishment of the company signed by all the founders, in which the directors of the company are not listed (in this case, according to the Commercial Code, all partners of the company are entitled to act to the same extent),

- an extract from the relevant commercial register, where a national of a third country is listed as a company manager or

- an extract from the relevant commercial register together with the minutes of the general meeting at which a national of a third country was appointed as a company manager (§ 32 paragraph 5 letter a) of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners),

A document not older than 90 days confirming integrity (§ 32, paragraph 2, letter b) of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners)

- extract from the criminal record of the state of which he is a national,

- an extract from the criminal record of the state in which the national of a third country stayed for more than 90 days during six consecutive months in the last three years (Section 121(1) of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners),

The certificate of integrity must document integrity throughout the territory of the state that issued this document, otherwise the police department will not accept such a document; in justified cases, the police department may, with the prior approval of the Ministry of the Interior, accept a certificate of integrity that does not prove integrity throughout the entire territory of the state. In justified cases, the police department may accept a certificate of integrity that is older than 90 days for the application for residence, if the period between the issuance of the certificate of integrity of a national of a third country and his arrival on the territory of the Slovak Republic is no longer than 90 days.

A document not older than 90 days confirming the financial security of the stay (§ 32, paragraph 2, letter c) of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners)

- confirmation of the balance in an account held in a bank in the name of a national of a third country (Section 32 paragraph 6 letter a) of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners), and if it is a personal account held in a foreign bank, a statement from the personal account for the last three months ,

A document not older than 90 days confirming the financial security of the business activity (Section 32, paragraph 7 of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners), the national of a third country shall prove:

- by confirmation of the balance in an account kept in a bank established for the purpose of business, which must not be identical to the account according to paragraph 6, and if it is an account in a foreign bank, the national of a third country proves the financial security of the business with a statement from the account for the last three months. According to the first sentence, a third-country national shall prove financial security of the business activity in the amount of:

- twenty times the subsistence minimum, if it is a national of a third country according to § 22 par. 1 letter a),

- one hundred times the subsistence minimum, if it is a national of a third country according to

§ 22 par. 1 letter b),

- forty times the subsistence minimum, if it is a national of a third country according to § 22 par. 1 letter b), who submitted a business plan for the implementation of an innovative project.

A document not older than 90 days confirming the provision of accommodation (§ 32, paragraph 2, letter e) of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners)

- foreigner's sworn statement about ownership of real estate,

- a lease agreement with the owner or occupier of the real estate, and a document proving the right to use the real estate, if it is a lease agreement with the occupier of the real estate,

- confirmation from the accommodation facility about the provision of accommodation (e.g. confirmation from a hotel or hostel), or

- affidavit of a natural person or a legal entity about the provision of accommodation to a foreigner on the territory of the Slovak Republic and a document proving authorization

for the use of real estate, if it is an affidavit of the user of the real estate (§ 122 of the Act on the Residence of Foreigners),

• The application for the granting of temporary residence for the purpose of doing business is submitted by a national of a third country in person abroad at a representative office

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Mgr. Michal Kaliak

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Sídlo spoločnosti

Elula s. r. o.
Hviezdoslavova 275/27
Žiar nad Hronom 965 01

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IBAN: SK3711000000002949137010
IČO: 55 018 165
DIČ: 2121839720

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Kancelária Bratislava
Záhradnícka 46/A
821 08 Bratislava